Fri 31 Oct, 2003 09:04 am
ok...last week i went to this physics program thing, and we got a few little things.. in the bag there are two things in which i have not a single clue as to what they are - i will try and explain it below
it is long and thin(1-2mm in diameter) - sort of like a piece of wire.
black coating/silvery black insides
metal like
i can bend it, but after i begin to bend it feels like its going to snap
sheets of material like things - feels plasticy
flakes a bit when you touch/peel it
the majority is not opaque but not clear either- halfway (whats the word again?)
the parts that are opaue are reddish/brown or whitish - teeth colour
its bendy - but will snap
if i didn't know it was a physics bag, i would have thought it was for chemistry
the sheets are generally about palm size(the larger ones)
ok...i have explained them to the best of my ability - when i find the time, i will probably take a photo of them so you can actualy have an idea as to what they look like...
but so far - does anyone have any ideas???
The second one could be sheets of mica. That's a mineral that is sometmes used in capacitors and crystals.
Take some pics dude, I really have no idea about them otherwise.
a little context might help; are there any instructions as to what you might be expected to do with the kit, or can you fill in the 'direction' of the course discussion that you attended, beyond the "physics program thing" level?
um - well, the problem is that i wasn't able to attend ALL the physic sessions - but from what my friend said there were ones on.
Poleroids (can't spell)
Quantam Physics
Space - big bang etc
i think that is a few of them - not all but some
and there were no instructions that came with it
ill take a photo asap - when i finish my exams
I'll go with the mica for the second one- I thought that straight away.
The closest thing I can think of for the first one is a bit of fibre optic cable.
I understand CNT = carbon nano tube is black, but a tube is much smaller than 2 mm. Perhaps you have a few thousand CNT in parallel, bonded into a bundle with black epoxy. I presume that would snap if bent to too small a radius. The bucky tubes = CNT are hollow so the bundle may have a low enough average density to float on water. Grind about one mm off one end. If bucky tubes, the grind stone will loose material faster than the sample, as I think the CNT is as hard as diamond. Try scratching glass with the damaged end. Try examining the damaged end with a microscope. You may be able to see the indidviual hollow fibers. Neil