@Region Philbis,
I couldn't believe it when I read it.
Who would want to hurt big Papi! He is like a hero there and he gives so much to that country.
I have a great picture of my oldest daughter (now 20) when she was about 9 with Big Papi. She went to one of his hitting clinics - it was to raise money for some of his charities that he supports including helping local kids and kids in the DR. She had on a nice pink shirt with a I <shape of heart> Papi. And Big Papi is standing right behind her bending down so his face is right above hers both with huge grins on their faces. It was a priceless moment. He even remembered her name in the Q&A session at the end - he said her name when she raised her hand to ask a question - the shirt got his attention as he said --- Nice shirt..
You could tell he really loved the kids - he seemed be having a good time with them.