Thu 30 Oct, 2003 10:05 am
Please anyone help. Who knows any reliable company where I can order development of electronic devices. I need to make a project (electronic device) from scratch, but not too expansive. Anyone knows?
You need to be a llittle more descriptive here. What exactly are you looking for? Are you looking for a kit that has all the necessary parts thet you'd just assemble or do you have a list of parts that you want o buy for a project you've developed yourself? Do you care what kind of electronic project? Radio? Video? Alarm system? Remote control? etc..
I don?t know the process, I just need someone who will HELP me. I got an idea and all my partners agreeing that we need it. But none of us has any idea on how to make this. I don?t even know what level of electronic this device will take. I guess I better describe it a little and you will see. Basically we need to make a device that will make voice announcements in service areas (buildings, public transport). Example: commercials, or announcements. Have to be simple and convenient, as small as it can be. Simple navigation, editing/removing messages. Completely automatic (messages need to be played automatically in specific time and day). Well, maybe it?s not too simple, but we really need something like this. Have to be stable and not easily broken. I need someone to getting this idea and bringing it to life.
What you're looking for is help in bringing a concept for an invention/product to the prototype stage.
Here's a list of prototype designers from Google. Hope this is the type of information you are seeking.
Google list: Creating prototypes for inventors
Thank you! I will look into it right now.
Sorry, I don't know why, but this link didn't work.
Not sure why it didn't work. You can create the same list by going to and typing in the words creating prototypes for inventors.
You'll arrive at the same list.
I'm looking at it as I typing. I just thought that maybe someone know of reliable company, maybe had an experience of dealing with. Thanks anyway.
Maybe I can help? I do work for such company, and we do product design and even manufacturing. Here is the link you can go to.
Telesystems "Telesystems can design your product to your specifications "from the ground up" or any stage from initial concept to finished production prototype" Is that sounds like something you are looking for? Let me know.