Hello Friends,
If you don't see the Download This Video button appear when viewing videos in Chrome, or you can see it but nothing happens when you click it, this is due to an incompatibility between RealPlayer 15 and the new Pepper Flash that is installed with Chrome.
1. Open a Google Chrome browser window.
2. In the address bar, enter chrome://plugins/
3. Click the Details link in the top right corner.
4. The top entry should show three versions of Flash. Click Disable for the first one (you should see the Location listed as something like C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\21.0.1180.89\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll). NOTE: You may see different numbers in the file name; as long as the end of the file name is "pepflashplayer.dll" then that is the version you want to disable.
5. Close and restart Chrome. Go to chrome://plugins/ again to verify that the pepflashpalyer.dll file was successfully disabled; some customers have found that they need to take this step twice before it "sticks".
Thanks and Regards,
Duncan Jones