Your post (falsely) implies that I 'd said that
future eugencic improvements had to conform to MY taste.
aidan wrote:It's one thing not to forget about something, but it's another to obsessively pursue a subject-
this is about the third thread you've posted on eugenics or other
ancillary facets of the subject.
Yesterday, I saw that I told the farmer, on another thread,
that I 'd start a thread on eugenics, for an independent discussion,
and then I failed to execute that promise; so now, I did.
aidan wrote:I know there's another thread authored by you on which
I answered con to this same question.
sounds familiar
aidan wrote:I'm going to answer that I am against eugenics again because
I think it's important that thinking people continue to reject the idea of this concept.
U don't wish to elucidate?
aidan wrote:And not to be unkind David, but it makes me wonder if you suffer from feelings of lack of control...
why are you so interested in not only controlling your own life,
but essentially creating a society in which even the very
existence of other people is controlled and to your liking?
My control is about average. If I coud improve control, that 'd be good (not controlling other people).
I want other people to be able to design their progeny, to taste.
THEIR individual taste,
not mine; I 'd be nowhere around when thay choose.
aidan wrote:I, for one, don't want to live in a vanilla, blond haired and blue-eyed world where everyone
'bred' is assured of their superior brains and beauty and genetic heritage. How boring!
Then, with the power of future eugenics,
u can craft your progeny according to your own preference.
Future eugenics can provide versatility.
I wish I had 3 hearts, in case one of them got a heart attack.
aidan wrote:And for someone who considers himself to be libertarian - how hypocritical.
I don't post anything in which I don't believe;
waste of time n effort. U
misunderstood me,
and then attributed your errors of perception to
ME and blame me for them.
aidan wrote:Are your libertarian views only extended to yourself?
No. Your post implies that I had a
LOCK on future breeding n that
it coud proceed only acccording to my designated pattern.
Eugenics puts the power of choice in the hands of the future parents.
Maybe thay 'll program him to get a 3rd set of teeth.
The future is unlimited.
I did not indicate limitations. I am not a king, to enforce my will.
I did not even think of that; it was your idea.
aidan wrote:It's so interesting to me that you live in one of the most diverse boroughs
of one of the most diverse cities in the world (by choice you say)
I am not nailed down,
but I do own real estate here
aidan wrote:yet you're constantly advocating for a planned, genetic homogenous uniformity in people.
I said nothing about any uniformity.
In planning, future parents can maybe choose 3 different kinds
of kids, according to their preference.
Ideally, as I indicated already,
the kid himself will be able
to change whatever he wants after the fact, like a cameleon. He shoud be autonomous.
aidan wrote:I've asked you this before, but I'll ask you again - why don't you
just move thirty or forty miles up I95 to Connecticut?
It sound like Greenwich would suit you just fine.
I dunno. I 've never been there. Maybe I 'll check. Thanx for the advice.