By the way, I noticed that you're new to this A2K forum, so welcome to A2K.
Sorry, but I'm not sure that I understand your question. Perhaps you can rephrase it? Better is not a concept I grasp as it relates to nations. In my opinion no nation is better or worse than another; however, that being said, some are more peaceful and have more civil behaviors.
My strong feeling is that the North Korean people are ill-served by him (pun intended). He is on a collision course with his nuclear threats. I think of him as a very powerful 10-yr-old standing in front of the world with a loaded shotgun to its head. You never know what he's planning to do with his nuclear weaponry or nuclear reactor capability (if there is one).
I'm also unclear about to what aspect you're referring as regards China. Are you asking about how I generally view China's behavior as it relates to International politics? I have mixed emotions (abuse of human rights, trouble with Tibet, massive pollution issues, dangerous lack of quality control on exports and food products and technological piracy) .