OmSigDAVID wrote:
OCCOM BILL wrote:David, unless you advocate life sentences or executing all violent psychotics
on their first offense, there's bound to be some on the streets.
That must depend on the severity of the offense,
as to life sentences or death for a first offense, sane or not.
OCCOM BILL wrote:You're pushing too far, too fast. Answer the question regarding the least severe
that nonetheless reveals a violent, psychotic disorder?
If I were the judge sentencing a violent psychotic who has been convicted of at least one crime,
I 'd do the best I coud within the law to isolate him for as long as possible.
OmSigDAVID wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:Better to at least try to slow down their gun aquisition, no?
I believe that is only a futile, feel-good solution that tends to disarm future victims.
People did not wait until guns were invented to begin committing violent felonies.
The worst thing that government can do is encourage more violence,
by disarming the victims (soft, attractive targets).
OCCOM BILL wrote:Really? There's never been a guy with a violent psychotic disorder
who caught up with his cool before acquiring a weapon?
Clearly, I can 't say "never". There probably
have been instances
wherein the bad guy was distracted, or passed out, or
got arrested or got killed, etc.
OCCOM BILL wrote:Focus David; this hypothetical doesn't involve a gun ban;
it involves a restriction against people with documented violent psychotic disorders.
OK. Candor moves me to admit
that it is possible that the Founders woud approve of such a law,
tho it moves us close to a slippery slope of
discrimination as to
is good enuf to possess life saving equipment and who just has to
take his (or her) chances helpless against possible predatory violence.
I doubt that a law will yield more than a brief delay in the lunatic
arming himself, but I must admit that, theoretically, he might
forget about violence, in some instances.
I remain very concerned about future victims coming to grief
because government slowed down their defensive efforts.
Bear in mind that this is my concern for my fellow citizens,
not for myself. I 've had sufficient guns for quite a long time.
OmSigDAVID wrote:OCCOM BILL wrote:Question: would you sell a firearm to someone you believed was a violent psychotic?
No, but I know that will not stop him if his malice is persistent.
He can use any of many options, ax, knife, club, Molotoff Cocktail, bomb
run victim over with car, truck; all it takes is a little imagination.
The actual weapon is behind the bad guy 's eyes;
what proceeds therefrom is only the outward manifestation.
OCCOM BILL wrote:If his malice persists. What if it doesn't?
I have conceded that possibility.
Incidentally, if a person has led a peaceful life, yet has crazy
or stupid beliefs, his moral, natural right of self defense
shoud not be forfeit.
OCCOM BILL wrote:And I don't mind telling you I'd rather take my chances against the psycho with an axe,
knife, club, and am aware enough to realize the psycho's who lose it seldom think
to make a Molotoff Cocktail or bomb, etc.
I saw on TV that history 's worst massacre
in a school was from a disgruntled school employee in Upstate NY
who used a bomb to blow up the school in the early 1900s.
OCCOM BILL wrote: How much easier would it be for you to blow his head off if he wasn't as armed as you?
Violent criminals are not usually willing to co-operate qua being unarmed.
Thay frequently re-arm themselves within a few hours
of release from prison and go back into business, robbery, etc.
OmSigDAVID wrote:If he sits down, earnestly with evil intent and plans an ambush
of some kind, taking as much time as he needs, and giving attention
to detail, I doubt that his victim will have much of a chance.
He can do this either with different weapons, or he can get a gun
on the blackmarket or robbing a solitary police officer from behind.
OCCOM BILL wrote:I'd rather take my chances against the psycho who has to go the extra mile to plan or arm...
as common sense mandates he'll likely be deadly less often. And don't forget; I don't advocate gun prohibition.
I admit that I don 't know what the Founders, the authors of the Bill of Rights,
Madison and other members of the First Congress had in mind about such jurisdiction.
I do not know whether there had been a law against selling guns or swords to mentally
unbalanced citizens in Colonial Times. I have not heard of any.
I have no knowledge qua any consensus on this point, tho it
IS possible.
Alternatively, thay may have preferred simply to isolate & confine such men and let it go at that.
I 'm gonna see if I can get some information on that point.