The Scotchish Highlanders in their brown kilts and bonnets bobbing as they advanced toward the battle behind the Screeching, wailing scotch pipes, were given by the Germans the nickname, “The Ladies from Hell.” By R. Douglas Pinkerton
The battle sways backward and forward
In wedges and hollows and curves,
A hard-pressed battalion is yielding,
A leader has called for reserves.
Hark ! Drone of the pipes in the distance
That grows to a soul-stirring swell !
Brown-skirted, with bonnets a-bobbing,
Come up the gay Ladies from Hell !
O brightly the sunlight is gleaming
On the blades that the rifles reveal.
The Ladies are wearing their jewels;
Hurrah ! for the glint of the steel !
O fiercely they swing to the music.
Their faces alight with its spell ;
Brave-hearted, bare-kneed and triumphant.
The lean- featured Ladies from Hell !
Our foes have made war upon women
By dastardly choice of their own.
The daughters of Belgium are weeping.
The mothers of Flanders make moan.
Ho! Slayers of maids and of mothers.
Do your bayonets serve you as well
When you're called up to stand in the open
And face the grim Ladies from Hell?