I would wait a week and checkout the feedback from the users here.
Ive been an iphone user for about a year now and im paying my cancellation fee and going back to verizon. So that should speak for service level itself.
Regarding bugs i cant see many problems since it will run android but hardware wise i know at one point and time the moto razor had reliability problems so im going to have to stress test this device.
The iphone coming to verizon is a distant dream i doubt att would want or allow that to happen. If anything that will delay it as much as possible since its working out in their favor.
For entertainment purposes the iphone does its job but if your more of a web geek like myself the droid seems to fit the job without all the jailbreaking mods mess.
It comes out tomorrow stop by a verizon store and play with the demo. Youll either love it or hate it!