AT&T May Stop Unlimited Data Plans?
2009 December 9
by macjeff
"Wireless data hogs who jam the airwaves by watching video on their iPhones will be put on tighter leashes, an AT&T Inc. executive said Wednesday," Peter Svensson reports for Associated Press.
"The carrier has had trouble keeping up with wireless data usage, leading to dropped connections and long waits for users trying to run programs on their devices," Svensson reports.
The carrier has hinted that they may get rid of Unlimited Data Plans? For all of us or just for abusers? How do they classify an abuser? The apps are out there to play video. If I use it do I get punished?
For those of us who use the iPhone daily as their "everything" communications device this will be bad. And I am sure current iphone users will revolt.

Shot at 2009-12-15