You're most kind and I've given thought to therapy, however I have read a lot of respectable studies indicating a sizable portion of patients fair worse not better after therapy, so I do not feel the risk is worth the reward.
I can't see the net benefit of watching TV shows that remind of this, just as in a similar manner I can see the risks of going to therapy to be reminded of it.
Both my parents are dead, I never see my brother, I have a great wife, a great home, a great job, decent enough health, and good friends. Overall I am happy, even though I do not look at the world with anything approaching rose colored glasses.
What anger and frustration and grief I have left oftentimes emanates as empathy for others (like yourself and some of my students that may have had similar experiences).
Nonetheless - sometimes - late at night - alone - my eyes fill with tears - just the same as many years ago.
I officially, in person, verbally, forgave both my parents many years ago.