Why don't you find out something more specific - people skills is too broad for you to try to improve upon. Ask what do you mean by that? Ask them - do I yell at people, do I not listen, what do I do (or not do)? Especially work with your counselor and say - I want to improve on my people skills - what can I do? Classes? Books? What am I doing or not doing that makes you say I do not have people skills?
Ask your boss the straight forward question - say you are interested in moving up in the company - you love working there and would like to continue to grow. What should you work on to improve? What skills would you look for or what actions would someone display to be promoted? This is no different than any job, that some one may want to move up in. How can you move up, if you do not understand the skills and behaviors that are promoteable.
Now granted there are some skills that you may be stronger at - it doesn't mean you cannot accomplish these things - just you are going to have to work harder on them.
I wouldn't rely on friends or co-workers (unless they have been promoted) - your friends and co-workers are not determining what are promoteable skills and behaviors.