dirrtydozen22 wrote:
I mean besides going to college (bc u kno, school sucks.) Is the only alternative working full or part time? I've dropped out of college and I'm working part time right now, but what other alternative is there that I could do w/o giving up my job?
Generically, people try to get some direction in life after high-school, so at some point one can have a livelihood. High schools do not seem to prepare us for a livelihood these days, in my opinion. They prepare many for entry level jobs that may, or may not, lead to a livelihood, in my opinion.
So, if college is scratched off the "to do" list, there are other schools to learn some trade, or some people join one of the military branches. Sometimes that turns into a career.
Or, one can wait patiently to let time assist the decision, as one sees one's peers moving on in life with job, career, family, etc.
I wish you luck, since being young is not easy in these times, I believe, at least not as easy as it once was.