It's the wrong policy Olga. To waste an opportunity is always foolish. The word "waste" implies that there is no downside to the opportunity.
The body of the law is a list of the downsides of the opportunities which tempt our basic animal nature to take. If we were not tempted by that nature there would be no point to the law or to security measures.
And I can't see any downside in having another snidey dig at the intellectuals on the Evolution threads. The more people who go have a look in on that the more will see what we will get if ever they come to power. I'll risk them being attracted to anti-ID.
It's an interesting question--how would we legislate to provide a legal downside to opportunities of a tempting nature which are normally, often, sometimes, provided by a sense of sin or shame. I imagine farting loudly in public having a downside began in churches. It still has no downside in a few of the working men's clubs in Northern England which still cling to life. Except on Saturday night. Silent ones are frowned upon in such places.
How would you legislate for that?
It was remiss of me to mention, as I know it will amuse the thread mistress, that our Boxing Day fart lighting competition was won, once again, by the hot favourite. Her competitors were woeful.