sozobe wrote:
but also agree that it IS problematic WITHOUT context in America.
It shouldn't be. One should attempt to see something
in context prior to jumping to outrageous conclusions, yeah? That's where the problem is, in the lack of an attempt from the USA public at large to conceive of another context! I think that's partly what's meant by objection to the cultural export, it's the lack of appreciation for a conflicting cultural view.
To be fair, I don't think it's easy to even see this from within a US cultural context.
If I was an American here though, I'd be thinking "Wow, the Australians here seem really consistently annoyed about this. Maybe there is something here I'm not understanding." I guess that's exactly what you're doing, soz.
Perhaps it's similar to the way in which bullies are often completely unaware that they are being bullies, they are just used to getting their way, and are blissfully unaware of the power they wield over others, and are shocked to find themselves resented for it. (Note: I'm not saying this a case of bullying, I'm just talking about the lack of self-awareness)