Quote: It should also remind you that not all of the reasons people have for rejecting evolution can be ascribed to religious fanaticism...
I would be most appreciative to understand about which evolution deniers would NOT accept a religious worldview.
Also, I think Ionus is saying that there are some serious gaps in the "evidence" suurounding evolution. Id agree but only in the respect that we use paleontological evidence. Genetics and microbiology and chemical genetics eems to be really robust in underpinning evolutionary theory.
It used to be that paleontological data was the key to understanding "descent with modification". NO LONGER, in fact, weve seen where earlier paleontological data had suffered from too much reliance on convergent evolution, and not real cladistic analyses/
Weve got a really good understanding about the genetic structure of bats and theire insectivore ancestors. However, e dont have any early "Start up" bat fossils.
The Creationists wish to use that as an argument against evo/devo. I say,since we rely on so much intersecting data, weve got the story pinned down with accuracy, alla fossil will do now is provide us with an opportunity to show how we can make predictions with nat selection.
Remember, they found tiiktalik by doing precisely that. They didnt "stumble" over it.