It was a 2005 rerun. The showwas about the race the three guys had driving across Botswana from Gabarone to the Maghadighadi, into the Okhavango DElta and out to the little neck of SOuth AFrica that tabs the Northern border of Botswana.
. They each took some old clunker that they bought in Botswana (eg Old Mercedes, old Lancia, and old Opel) and raced them. They had totally stripped the cars of any weight so that they wouldnt sink through the salt crust.Im sure , because they were so carefully filmed , they were never in any real danger. It was agreat episode. ANyway, one of the characters they have (named the STIG) is a driving bot who can take any car to extremes . He was demonstrating what each of these dtripped down cars ws capable of doing when handled professionally.
Many laughs, Jeremy Clarkson is kind of an asshole but I think he knows it and plays that character really well. I think that they will have clearly accepted primacy for the use of your statement. (SInce the show was from 2005, it has a forensic track of existence on millions of CDs and DVR's worldwide. whereas you only have the one statement made just a day or so ago.
Id drop the case before ya have too much tied up in lawyers.