Lightwizard - Great idea. There is so much more in the classical repetoire than just symphonies. I would love to talk about some of my favorites. Go for it!
Another favorite of mine is the Copland "Symphony No. 3" with that marvelous fanfare big tune. You can't go wrong with the Bernstein reissue especially with the "Organ Symphony" attached:
I don't know the Bernstein 3rd sym, but I've listened to a lot of organ music played by E Sour Pigs.
I don't know the Bernstein 3rd sym, but I've listened to a lot of organ music played by E Sour Pigs.
I once saw "E Sour Pigs" in concert, and he was a hoot. He had an electronic organ, with the most and largest speakers that I have ever seen on stage. He discussed the pieces before he played them. I came away from that concert with the idea that he really was a great teacher, and adored what he was doing!
There's a recording conducted by Copland himself which is also a significant addition to any CD library. Michael Murray is less um-pah-pah than E. Power Biggs. Not to mention that Telarc's recording techniques still do not fail to awe.
One of the last recordings with Ormandy and the Philadelphia with Michael Murray:
My walls flux in and out when I play this one and the neighbors take vacations.
The last recording of the Copland with Bernstein (much better sonics and sans the E. Sour Biggs):
It does include "Quiet City" which should be posted on the Symphonic Poems thread.