HENopausal, thats how we say it. We have chickens that are a decade old. (We have a death pool going but we never tell the kids cause they are the ones that made pets of the damn things, Now theyre all moved out and were running an assisted living center for Wyandottes and Aracaunas)
Its neat when we can see spring on the 8underside region when all around us up here is red and yellow as the trees shed leaves for the coming winter.
Im getting ready to plant tuylips and a big area of grape hyacinths . We dont plant bulbs till just after Halloween.
Ive been cutting down mature Pawlonias to make boards for gift boxes . I need to speed up the drying. Ive got several 8 year old trees with 18" diameter trunks.
Need yer garden tilled mate? Just send a plane ticket and Im yer guy.