kickycan wrote:
I will say one thing in Kanye's defense though. At least he seemed to actually regret it, which is more than I can say for Joe Wilson.
Moving back to the original post for a moment.
No, I don't think West would have said what he did if the winner had been black.
I don't think he would have said anything if the winner had been Hispanic, or Asian.
But, from just googling anything about his apology, I can't honestly say I think he regrets having said what he did, but only regrets having said it in front of so many witnesses.
I read where he expressed his regrets about the incident on 3 different shows/interviews, etc.
However, when Swift was being interviewed after those 3 times, she said he had not yet come forth and met her to personally apologize.
Then, apparantly he called her on the phone. Something like that needed to be done face to face, and before telling the general public he was sorry.
I watched a short clip on Jay Leno, and the flow of it seemed to be rather similar to his inital rant.
During the MTV awards, he first said something like....don't get me wrong, I'm glad you won...but.....Then he makes it very clear he isn't so glad she won.
On Leno's show, first he talks about how he's still "dealing" with his mothers death (in 2007) and mentions some other stuff going on, and about the pressures of being a celebrity.....(an aside, I'd never heard of the man, but then again, I'd never heard of Swift either. Point is, it's not like he's God or something).
Anyway, after talking about all these pressures and problems, he finally says some about that not excusing his behavior. He went on from there, repeating a couple of times how if Swift ever needed anything....and so on.
Now, what in the world would this woman ever need from this guy?
Anyway, it seemed like he was a pretty self absorbed person, and watching the video of that poor young woman kinda just standing there helplessly made my stomach hurt. For a few seconds, she looked like a little 3 or 4 year old girl, who'd just been crushed.
As far as the general population, other countries, etc. I tend to my own knitting, and let others tend to theirs, no matter what color their wool is.