Nope you're wrong.
There is no text reference to subitizing, in fact just the opposite.
You can't take part of the question (in this case the graphical element) out of context of the text element, and argue simply because some kid was at one time taught that the graphics may have only one given meaning, that this given meaning must hold true irrelative of the text.
Recall the text precedes the graphics and recall the text poses the question.
The question as asked "The number pictured here" does not reference relative size, but only quantity. There is no reference to magnitude processing, thus no reference to subitizing.
That would be like graphically representing the planets, then asking how many planets are in the solar system, then claiming that Saturn counts as more planets than Mars, because it's bigger.
That teacher is an idiot! Here are the correct answers as the question as asked: Question 6 = 12 and Question 12 = 9.
It matters not one iota how well a teacher is or is not liked in terms of whether they are an idiot for posing the question as asked.
It matters not one iota how popular the underlying graphics are or are not, what matters is whether the text is congruent with the graphics...it's not.
Have a look-see at the definition of "number", there is no reference to relative size, in fact just the opposite as relative size can be ignored as per "7. the full count of a collection..."
1. a numeral or group of numerals.
2. the sum, total, count, or aggregate of a collection of units, or the like: A number of people were hurt in the accident. The number of homeless children in the city has risen alarmingly.
3. a word or symbol, or a combination of words or symbols, used in counting or in noting a total.
4. the particular numeral assigned to an object so as to designate its place in a series: house number; license number.
5. one of a series of things distinguished by or marked with numerals.
6. a certain collection, company, or quantity not precisely reckoned, but usually considerable or large: I've gone there a number of times.
7. the full count of a collection or company.
8. a collection or company.
9. a quantity of individuals: Their number was more than 20,000.