Max, you never answered these questions. I'm really interested to know your answers. It's multiple choice. So just a few minutes to complete. I added a Hypo 5 and 6.
Facts: Dr. Robotnic creates the most realistic VR machinery of all time. When you enter it, the experience feels 100% real. It is in fact an illusion. And the VR location is Mario Land. But you can't tell it's an illusion. You can play it at the mall.
Hypo 1:
You go to the mall and watch TV for 1 hour. On the TV show is Mario Land.
Which of the following is true:
(A) The mall is reality and Mario Land is not.
(B) Mario Land is reality and the mall is not.
(C) Both the mall and Mario Land are reality.
Hypo 2:
You go to the mall and play the VR game for 1 hour.
Which of the following is true:
(A) The mall is reality and Mario Land is not
(B) Mario Land is reality and the mall is not
(C) Both the mall and Mario Land are reality
Hypo 3:
You go to the mall and play the VR game for 5 years.
Which of the following is true:
(A) The mall is reality and Mario Land is not
(B) Mario Land is reality and the mall is not
(C) Both the mall and Mario Land are reality
Hypo 4:
The second you are born, your mom places you in the VR machine and you spend your whole life there.
Which of the following is true:
(A) The mall is reality and Mario Land is not
(B) Mario Land is reality and the mall is not
(C) Both the mall and Mario Land are reality
Hypo 5:
You have been living without the VR machine your whole life. One night, Dr. Robotnic places you in the VR machine - and you were not aware of it. In his VR machine, he has created a replica of the world you've always known. You wake up believing nothing has changed, believing that you are still in the world you've always known.
Which of the following is true:
(A) The replica world is the same world as the world you've been living in.
(B) The replica world is a different world from the world you've been living in.
Hypo 6:
What you perceive everyday - who creates this world?
(A) Matrix 2.0
(B) Dr. Robotnic's VR machine
(C) Doc Brown's Robot of Wonders
(D) Something else
(E) I don't know - because it's not objectively testable.