Yeah, because your spine compresses on itself.
I'm separtating them outwards.
After a those few months of yoga, I was able to identify parts of me that where keeping me from bending as far as I need to.
Yesterday I took a complete "chai day" off from work. Went to practice, then I was loose and went to see Sandy. She worked on my lower back, butt, hamstrings, also my sides. You don't realize how the area above your waist effects the length of your hips.
At the end of the session, I said "you know, we've talked about this before, but I really hate the way the back of my neck/very top of my back looks."
I'd started to get that horrible "hump", which I used to think was from the spine curving, but had learned it was because the muscles up there were all bound up into a mass.
Sandy said "you know, I'd like to work with you for one entire session on just your spine. There a muscles all up your (meaning anyone's) back, and working right on the spine will enable it to become more flexible, it'll take away the platform those neck muscles are sitting on, and then I can release them from both below and above.
I said...."well, I took the whole day off, and the only other thing I have to do is a doctors appointment. Do you want me to come back?"
We agreed on a time, and that's when I went to the doctor and had my height taken.
I went back and she commenced to work on every single vertebrae. She worked all the areas she talked about above, and also worked on my sternum, which allowed my shoulders to drop even more. I've learned from rolfing that while you may see results right then (I did, my shoulders were lower, looser), most of the changes will come within the next week, as your body intergrates itself.
I've learned how to relax different muscles, but this back of neck, very upper back thing is tricky. Laying in bed that night, I could feel those muscles wanted to relax, but didn't know how. That'll come, this is a really new landscape for them to travel over.
This morning, getting dressed, I looked at myself from the side and thought, "hmmm, it seems that hump isn't as big"
I put on a blazer, and off to work.
The mirrors in the ladies room at work are at angles so you can see yourself in 3/4's turned away position in you want, and a complete side view without turning your head. When I glanced up at myself while washing my hands, and saw myself with that unobstructed side view, I was shocked!!!
The back of my jacket, right below where the collar ends, there was always that ugly hump. I stood there and looked, and looked.....the back of the jacket below the collar was absolutely FLAT!!! My neck was longer, and there was now room there for it to form an entirely different curve. Much nicer.
Mostly though, it's knowing how much better I'll function in my body.
From experience, I know it'll stay that way. When you release your muscles they want to go back to where they belong.