then why havent they made a dent yet?
arresting people wont work, people come up in rank and take over, a new leader, like servando, the one that just had them attack a MILITARY BASE?
unless they are exaggerating, and by base they meant some sort of roadblock ish type outpost thing..
perhaps. i dont know if you understand how things workt here.
police action> cartel reaction> police action> cartel reaction
are they gonna go thru that forever? is america , oh wait yeah america would just intervene so yeah mexico couldnt collapse per se..
government only exists with consent of the governed, when noone wants to be a police officer there ARE NO MORE POLICE OFFICERS.
it starts in the remote areas wheres its easier to intimidate the police. when noone will police those areas, the cartel is now in control.
if they are going to stop them, why havent they?
are they waiting to lay down the "big hand"?
they got the nut flush or what?
why cant they get **** in control?
there has been an increase in the price of drugs lately, which will only create a bigger market, which leads to u guessed it, more cartels. there was an increase int he price of coke a few years ago, and a few months later the price of an eightball was like 60 bucks, down from 110 ish.
i dont know, maybe mexico has everything under control...
they are just, umm, waiting around for a big strike or something.