The content is fine with some good word pictures, but the structure is poor.
You start with 9 rhyming couplets but some don't "scan" (i.e. they break rhythm).
Quote:When knights proved their bright.
Triple Kingdoms started to fight.
would scan if you wrote...e.g...
When knights set out to prove their bright
Kingdoms three began to fight.
After these 9 couplets your rhyming scheme completely falls apart. If I had trouble rhyming I would go for a quadruplet structure throughout with
alternate rhyming lines which would half your task.
e.g.Perhaps for the first qudruplet....
Twilight & moonlight cease their grind,
Wave after wave wash toward
With iron horses and golden swords,
Listen to the Gong Jin admiral
I hope you find these comments constructive and I look forward to a possible re-draft.