Thomas, c-span live is replaying the morning session right now.
Sotomayor is extremely
thorough in her responses. She speaks slowly, clearly, and she is indeed "painstakingly careful and accurate." I haven't noticed any legal mistakes in her responses. She hasn't dodged any questions about existing case law. She gave an explanation about the
Kelo case. Conservatives ought to be pleased to know that the
reach of the holding with respect to a State's authority to condemn property for economic development awaits development on a case by case basis. Of course she cannot comment on HOW she will rule in future cases because that would disqualify her from hearing those cases, but she doesn't fudge one bit on the legal principles that she applies.
Many have inferred that Roberts was "dishonest" when he claimed his judicial role was like an umpire whose duty it was to follow the rules and call balls and strikes. Since becoming CJ, Roberts has been diligently working his conservative heart out to change the rules and dismantle decades of progress in many areas of law.