Different strokes for different folks, I say. That's the beauty of a free-market system. You can choose to ignore, and not buy in.
Ceili- You are right, it is potty humor. I just thought the ad campaign was clever and see they're not doing it anymore. I wouldn't wear the clothes, being matronly and well beyond wearing words on my chest. I already have some fine perfumes, so no real interest in FCUK except as a phenomenon. (NOT a pherome.)
IMO, they could have come up with a much more interesting name for the perfume -- like:
and spritz roses spicey you
I've had that scent on me many times but I've never paid for it.....well, there was that one New Years Eve but I was drunk..........
This is so funny seeing people shocked by the fcuk branding...its been around here for so long, and yes, the english do love their potty humour! Well, we can't help it...thomas crapper is a good man! lol.
The group it is aimed at are quite adult enough and responsible enough to take it on the chin for what it is...its clever, individual and not a bore like some other english brands...and as for it having an adverse effect on young buyers...like fcuk it does!!! Looking at some of the stuff they are exposed to, a word on a t-shirt is not going to corrupt them, and anyway, I haven't seen any kids wearing it. Its almost not funny anough or risky enough for them. They'd rather have something more obvious printed across their chests!
I can see how people would be offended but at the end of the day they haven't stopped to think what we may be offended by in what they do...its all swings and roundabouts and there ar always going to be complaints...
I don't think people would be happy unless things were challenged, evolved and progressed...can you imagine if every perfume was called 'ditzy flower lovely'...or 'fluffy bunny spray'...hmmm...lol...I think not...
So, in conclusion, this is just like any other add campaign...complaints are rife but look...its got us talking!!!
By the way, I like your profile...a very cool lady I think...