Tue 7 Oct, 2003 11:39 am
My building is shaking. I think it's an earthquake.
I dropped to the floor and rolled but it didn't help. What should I do?
Kiddin' I just wanna know if anyone spots news about this so that I know if it was an earthquake or not.
It was just the first smalll sign of God's wrath against California for ellecting Arnold.
Locate the USGS site and check it out on the monitoring
maybe it was a jet flying overhead
good thing the a2k server is in TX
There are gas pipes explosions in Texas.
How far is the server from the nearest pipe?
A 2.4!
I wouldn't like to be in your building during a 5.0 or a 6.0.
I wouldn't like to be in California during a 6.1 earthquake or higher.
Thinking about it, I wouldn't like to be in California for the next few years.
Læknir Scrat wrote:It was just the first small sign of God's wrath against California for ellecting Arnold.
This is God's final warning, California.
Elect Arnold Governor, and prepare to slide your asses right into the Pacific.
(You vote yet, Craven? :wink: )
Nah, I haven't registered. Anywho thanks for letting me know it was a quake. It felt weird as I am on the 22nd floor.
I'm sure that some of our conspiracy theorists are checking into CIA involvement as I write.
Craven -- If you've got time, you should fill out the form (that was on that website) about how you felt it and stuff. It reallyl does give reseachers som good information even though you're likely repeating what others say.
A 2.4? Why is the only thing I can think of is "The Princess and the Pea"? How many mattresses do you sleep on Craven?
Actually, 5's are kind of fun, they'll setup mini-tsunamis in pools, but any bigger than thanks. Was here in 1989 for the 7.x and watched the earth turn to jello.
During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area, two of my married friends were caught in it. Sharon's car came to a stop just short of the break and crash of a section of the Bay Bridge's upper level. She got out of her car, kicked off her high heel shoes and sprinted west towards San Francisco to safety. Jim was on the Nimitz two-tier freeway when the upper level collapsed on to the lower level. He rode the collapse down with such a thud the car doors jammed. Being a slim guy, he was able to get out through a car window. Rescuers helped him climb down the side of the freeway to safety.
Many people died that day. My friends were lucky.
It might have been the cat scratching
22nd floor in an earthquake - ewwwwwwww.
Actually 22nd floor is not bad, if the earthquake is the oscillating-trepidating kind. You feel a lot of movement, but the chances of the building falling are scarse, due to resonance (I believe that's the word). It's like being in a swing.
Now, if you are in a building 7 to 15 stories high, you are, ceteris paribus -all other things being equal- in the most dangerous place.
But, Lord, a building in which a 2.4 tremor is felt by humans is indeed a shaky one (not necessarily a weak one, mind you).
Quite interesting, indeed, for an earthquake buff (and 8.3 survivor).
The islamic site's reaccomendations are naïve, to my taste and knowledge, even if it states, correctly, that you are safer in the top floors.
Most buildings hold for more than a minute during devastating earthquakes, so -unless it's a very tall building- the safest thing is to take your documents' bag, walk fastly downstairs and move to a place far away from medium-sized buildings, lamp-posts and electric cable. Betting for a Lean-To collapse or a V-shaped collapse is betting too much on your life.
In Mexico we have a siren system -if the earthquake's epicenter is situated in the Pacific rim, the San Andrés fault-, so we know with one minute of advance if a quake over 5.0 is coming (that's what it takes a quake to move 300 miles from the monitoring center in Acapulco to Mexico City).
We all have pre-established earthquake evacuation routes in both home and workplace.
As for the Torre Mayor being the safest building in Latin America, I sure hope so. I live one block away, and the giant would probably crumble on my head.
Other site in your search ( has this jewel, writen on November 2000:
"Safer than any of these answers is the top floor of the World Trade Center."
fb -- an 8.3 survivor! Is that the Mexican Earthquake of 1985? Do you remember a lot about it?