You are guilty of taking sides in the "Darwin Wars" popularized by the writings of critique between Gould and DAwkins. I dont think that either position has been well demonstrated.
I, for one, dont buy the "gene centered" evolution of Dawkins . Nor do I buy Gould and Lewontins "Non adapyive spandrels bullshit". I am always amazed at adptive radiation among common ancestral types exposed to many different environments. In many cases , both DAwkins and Gould seem to ignore the species that have gone extinct (In the process of evolcing an adaptive solution to a new environment). For example, after the KT boundary, e know that there were already 7 different groups of mammalian orders that were adapting to everal different conditions. Of these , after the Paleocene, we were down to 4 and then into the Eocene we are down to the three we know today.
ALL of the species within 2 of these orders (marsups and placents)
have all the same "fossil" genes that are just turned off by virtue of some environmental adaptation (no doubt). So , in that respect, Goulds "Genes are merely the bookkeepers of evolution" makes the most sense. However, Gould believed in his "spandrels and punctuated equilibrium " till his death .
Taking sides gets to be like "rooting for a hometeam". I really dont want any part of it because its the arguments that have the merit (or none).
WHen Dawkins left the scientific realm as an ethologist and became a Pop cuulture icon, he left me cold. If you like his arguemnts and they give you some sort of comfort , fine. My needs are different. Im often left with having to argue a point of religion with a kid in 251 stratigraphy because some thing that DAwkins wrote or spoke on TV got this kids ire up.
Critical thinking is only valid when the kids understand the entire spectrum of a topic including the embarrasing stuff and the material that some English Hoynm is using to make some point that is good for his TV face.
I still do like Dawkins latest book and "The ANcestors Tale" as good pieces of natural history and not some diatribe against a particular religious sect that he finds idiotic.
I think that of someone is parading in public as an intellectual, he should get his bones from the strength of his arguments, not from tearing down what he declares as fairy tales.
When he does that, hes no longer an objective scientist (He was a noted ethologist at one time), hes just a "stand-up filosopher"