DrewDad wrote:
If you're so terrified of sharks, then I suggest you also never operate a motor vehicle. Them things is dangerous.
And don't climb a ladder, or use a shower.
well, he didn't say he was terrified of sharks DD.
If you stay on land, (and don't touch "dead" sharks) you have absolutely no reason to fear them.
We have a large amount of control using a ladder, shower, etc, in how we place it, use it while drunk or not, taking foolish risks like leaning too far over on a ladder, or standing in an unsafe way in the shower.
That's why people put safety handles in their showers, and non skid strips. So they can gain more control over the situation.
Sure a person can say "I won't go in the water if there's a shark warning" but, unfortunatley, these creatures move around a lot better than we do, and can get right by you before anyone can issue a warning.
If someone wants to scuba dive or whatever, they need to be aware that "here be monsters" not to be paranoid, but be aware, and prepared.
most people blithly jump into the sea, never giving a thought to what lives there.
Based on the number of broken hips each year due to slipping in the shower. I'd say we do need to have a healthy fear of that area.
Fear doesn't have to be paralyzing. I'm afraid of falling in the shower, so I have non skid strips, and a bar. When I get older, I might need a shower seat. The fear is telling me to beware.
I don't fear sharks one little bit, because I'm in Austin Tx.
If I were to take a plane to Italy, it would cross my mind of what I should do if the plane crashed in the ocean, I survived the crash, and ended up in the drink. I would give it as much thought as I felt it warranted....not much, since it's pretty unlikely.
When I used to go in the ocean, my thoughts were about jelly fish, since I've seen many people stung by them, and I didn't feel like becoming one of them. As far as sharks, being on the Jersey Shore, there were always plenty of other people surrounding you, and a shark would have had to wind it's way through all of them to get to me. So, not too much worry. To jump off a boat in the ocean a 1/2 mile out for a swim? No way.
It's not an all or nothing thing.