@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
Joe(then I rewind again,hoping his honey will just get in the truck with him. They drive off in the pouring rain, grinning and crying for all the time lost.)Nation
A small part of me wanted Helen Hunt to go off with Tom Hanks, but that was the part that wanted to save Tom from the hurt.
Then one realizes how unrealistic that is. Life goes on. If a movie had been done from Hunt's perspective, the waiting, the anguish of deciding if she should allow herself to be attracted to this other person, the moving on and having a happy life with someone, remembering a lost love. In that view, Tom being rescued and showing up is more than just problematic. In that way, Tom had stayed frozen in time, Helen had not. I wonder if Tom had ever considered the possibility that she had moved on?
Describing Helen in that role reminds me of the wife of Bruce Willis in Sixth Sense. There we got to see the process of accepting her husband was dead. Helen eventually had to come to that conclusion or her life would stagnate.
just adding this in...a few years ago a co-workers son-in law died in a car crash. He and her daughter had been married barely a year. I was the only one around when Bonnie got this news, like from on the scene, and the memory will always stay with me. The 2 of us just grabbed each other and wailed. Anyway, her daughter since remarried a very nice man, and they have a toddler now. I said to Bonnie once, "you know, Jake will always be frozen in time. He'll always be 24, and the man he was at that moment. No one can say what he would have become. I hope he would be happy at the woman his wife became, and will be later."