I did want to give the impression that I was against cut and paste per se -- that's why I did mention that I'd also done it. I wouldn't do it if it was extremely long. It's just when the poster begins to believe they are force feeding the news (often colored by their own bias so you don't know where the real article leaves off and where their distortions begin) that it become a problem. In other words, really spamming the site with news items that go on and on compulsively. When it comes up, I know the moderators will look at it and make sure someone isn't crying wolf because they don't agree with the post.
Generally, the best thing with copy/paste of articles is to just go with a link. I'm going to put something in the Forum Help forum, some time later today, about this.
Oh, and as for trolls - go to the Help Page and send a form to support (http://www.able2know.com/contact.php). Your complaint will be looked into, I assure you. NO ONE HERE IS GOING TO LET THIS SITE DETERIORATE INTO A TROLL'S PARADISE.
This site has active, intelligent and attractive *smooch* moderators, that should keep the hullaballoo to a minimum.
maxsdadeo, you just kissed a Border Collie.
as long as jespah is a moderator,I know we are safe.She is just sane enough to be a good moderator,and just strange enough to want to.
But,I also know and respect her,so I will never complain about anything she does.
(hows that for sucking up?)
Just a little more lip, mysteryman. It makes all the difference in the sound. :wink:
I enjoy this forum,but I wont be in here except for every few weeks.
I have job commitments that keep me on the road for a few weeks at a time.But,I will participate as much as I can.
The moderators have already caught at least one imposter on this site.
Interestingly, he went back on abuzz and posted a thread, using the moniker, nevarc ( craven, backwards!).

The long and winding cyber highway...
For every long and winding cyber highway, there comes an ending. And after that ending is another long and winding cyber highway.
Please, don't anybody ask what that's supposed to mean.
No need to ask, roger. It's all perfectly clear.
Able2know is a super forum without the general malaise of Abuzz.
I suspect that Abuzz is terminal. It's only a matter of time, before the Times finds a buyer for the Abuzz software.
New Haven- Looking from the vantage point of A2K, I don't think that the NYT has much to sell. Compared to this site, the Abuzz software, IMO, is a dinosaur!
What's the Times waiting for, anyway?
Pull the pull now and stop the agony!
New Haven- There are still people who enjoy Abuzz, and the ones who hate it left, like me!
jespah: I have kissed worse in my time.
Yes there are a few still over at abuzz, but for the most part the site has been taken over by the doppelgangers, that hair shirted group that derives great pleasure by using expletives and someone else's screen name.
I check it now out of habit more than anything else.
maxsdadeo- I check in once in awhile, but I find that I seldom get involved in the discussions. What I will do, is ferret out some info for some poor newbie, who thinks that he can get a straight answer at Abuzz!
I still prefer the layout of Abuzz. There are a number of forums with the style and layout of able, no other that i've run into has the style of Abuzz. It would be great if the software was purchased and finally was used by a corporation the way it was meant to. There were/are clearly some bugs that need working out, but the overall design and plan is striking and intuitive.