Fri 27 Mar, 2009 06:28 pm
I have gone to the settings and chosen the widescreen for our television, selected the corresponding option on the Wii menu. It is still too big. We cannot read the buttons on the bottom you are suppose to click to apply a setting...and when you play tennis the ball goes out before you can get to it - because you run out of screen....J. is very unhappy - I have no clue how it happened...anybody that has one - please give me an idea of what I am missing or what I need to do to get it back to normal. THANKS!
is there a man around?
(this sounds like not women's work...)
I don't have a TV, so I am little help.
standing and flapping my hands helplessly.
HA! Chai that cracked me up...I fixed a leak on the roof yesterday Rock - I don't need no stinkin' man ; ) ...unless he can tell me how to fix the screen on the wii.
Quote:is there a man around?
Wellll - yeah the Prof. is here - but he only does books...I am the technological genius around here...sad really.
Where the heck is Boomer?
Here is the Nintendo help page:
If your settings there can't fix it then it may well be your TV settings and not the Wii.
The solution is obvious (at least to any real man)...
You simply need to buy a bigger TV.
@Robert Gentel,
I did that already Robert - I can't figure out why yesterday it was fine and today it's all out of wack...thank you...I will check my TV settings...
That's a huge help ebrown -

I have a 50" HDTV. But I don't have a Wii so I'm of little help.