Fri 22 Nov, 2002 10:45 am
Can you ... Wiggle your ears? Turn your eyelids inside out? Curl your tongue? Flare your nostrils? Bend your body like a contortionist? Make your eyes bulge out? Touch your nose with your tongue? Cross one eye at a time? Anything else we should know about?
I think my role model system is severely messed up, but personally I'm jealous when I meet people who can do these kinds of creepy things. For me, well, I've been struggling for years with just trying to whistle and RAISE MY EYEBROWS, for crying out loud!

I can curl my tongue, but I've always wanted to be able to raise just one eyebrow. My sister and I used to practice it. She could sort of do it. I've never gotten the knack.
I can curl my tongue and flare my nostrils.. None of the others though.
Can wiggle my ears but very subtly. You really have to be looking to see it, so I bet it doesn't count.
Curling your tongue is genetic. I can only curl the very end of mine, which I think means I have the dominant and the recessive gene.
Can't do the eyebrow thing, but I can do a Vulcan greeting (you know, index finger and middle finger next to each other, and ring finger and pinkie next to each other, in a straight line, with a separation between the middle and ring fingers so as to form a V shape). I am also double-jointed in both elbows, which freaks most people out when they see it for the first time. I can also bend both wrists back pretty far, although as I've gotten older that ability seems to be slipping away.
I can curl my tongue, flare my nostrils, raise one eyebrow at a time (either one), flutter my eyelids (a la seizure - it's a bit odd), and latch my ankle around to the back of my neck. NOT a porn star thing - something I used to do when doing somersaults and cartwheels in the living room when I was young, tried to see if I could stand up and touch my outstetched knee to my nose - I couldn't. But I could get my leg behind my head sitting down....who knows....
I can also twist both my arms around. I never really thought much about it, but I bring my arms outstretched to shoulder level then twist them until my palms are almost facing forward again. Maybe it's just the unflexible people I hang out with that can't do this.
Oh my gosh! LOL
Whose got a Gene Simmons tongue??
I'm a mighty nostril flarer. I don't always know I'm doing it, until the person I'm talking to gets a stricken look in their eye, wilts, and gives in to my demand and/ or apologizes.
Can do the eyebrows thing, plus wink each eye (hubby can't, dunno how common that is.)
I CAN turn my eyelids out, as I think anyone can, but it hurts and is dangerous. Haven't done it since, like, 4th grade.
So can you do the twisty thing with your arms? Huh? Can ya, can ya, can ya?
The boy can't do it, it grosses him out. Then again, his shoulders are so big he can't even touch his logs-for-arms together.
Winkin' ain't all that hard . . . any good southerner, especially while in conversation with a yankee, can wink the "off-eye," the one the yankee can't see, but his friends can, without changing expression . . .
I can do the twirly dance. That's my trick.
Hmmm - I can flare and roll - and I taught myself to raise one eyebrow - the left - very effectively.
I cannot wiggle my ears at will, but I can feel them pricking at a sudden noise.
I can walk and chew gum at the same time sometimes.
I can touch my nose with my tongue. I try to do this, only while I'm at home and never on the subway.
wiggle and flare, yep.
and there's something i do which used to get me extra personal space on crowded trains, but i have no idea what it is. any ideas?
I can curl and roll my tongue, flare my nostrils, cross my eyes and roll them back in my head. I can also bend the first knuckl on all my fingers at the same time.
I can wiggle my ears, roll my tongue, touch my tongue to my nose, do the one eyebrow trick, wink thing, flare the nostrils (never tired them all at once, and not going to anytime in the near future)
I was an only child, I had to do something to keep my self amuzed
And I was the youngest of seven so maybe that explains why I can't do any of them.
I can roll my tongue, and I can bend my thumbs back to touch my wrists. My mom's the expert at raising her eyebrow, though. If she ever does it, we all know to tread very gently around her because for her, raising an eyebrow is like a mad cat flicking its tail.
Patio - you are scaring me........... flares nostrils...