I was a serious vegetarian for 15 years and ate plenty of meat sub. Shrug.
I did it in part to be able to eat with my family without creating any more agita than necessary and in part because I was a teen and then a young adult with few cooking skills. Again, shrug.
But, be that as it may, one permanent thing you can get out of this experience is an improved ability to cook. There are plenty of perfectly vegan things to cook that are not super expensive, nor are they labeled as vegan and they are not hard to make. What? Well, let's see.
Whole wheat pasta
Mixed vegs, any kind (try roasting them in the oven with a little olive oil)
soup (if without meat)
Really, it's not hard but it can take some time which you may or may not have, and cooking patience, which you also may or may not have. E. g.
Beans require some serious planning but have an excellent payoff.
Rice can be cooked in huge batches and frozen in individual bags. Just heat and serve but you need to do some work for the speed payoff later.
Soup is really just vegs, some sort of starch (potatoes, corn, rice or beans) plus spices, try to watch the salt and cook for a few hours, then freeze in batches. You can also make
tacos or tortillas; you'll need the shells (check for kosher, which won't have any beef or pork fat in them) plus cooked beans, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, onions, chilies or chili powder and another crunchy veg (carrots? daikon? celery?) and it's fabulous.
All of that can carry you through much of any given week.