Wed 4 Mar, 2009 02:03 pm
I am a mother of three girls, and now the owner of my motherhood warrior marks and would love to know if there is anyway to get rid of them. Also if each is expensive or (preferraby) cheap. I am willing to try any thing from lotions, or oils, to costly laser treatments. Please include your thoughts and if you ever tried any or your tips and treatments. Thank you soo much.
not reallty my thing but my ex used to use olive oil and she said it worked a treat
When the stretch marks are still red you can use cream on them, or get a laser treatment. Once they loose color and are clearish there is nothing you can do with them, they are permanent. Also, tanning makes them look worse because the stretch marks are unable to tan.
I see an ad below that tells you how to get rid of them!
There's a very expensive treatment called strivectin, which is also supposed to be a good general skin cream.
It won't make them go, but it is supposed to minimize them.
Here is some info.
Sales site:
It's VERY expensive.
I used one jar on my face, with no visible results.
You'd want to research it pretty thoroughly, I think, if you are thinking of buying.