Tue 24 Feb, 2009 12:42 pm
She leaped into the air as the ballerinas did on television and fell, injuring her knees. The accident taught her Jane one lesson: Never/never to imitate what ballerinas do.
Should 'never' in lower or upper case?
Many thanks.
The word "never" should start with a lower case 'n'. It is not starting a sentence.
Thank you very much, Contrex, for helping me frequently.
depends on whether the following is a complete clause or not, a capital for the complete clause, lower case if not.
in your case use a lower case
Kuvasz described the US English practice. In British English, which I believe Tanguatlay wishes to follow, the word following the colon is NOT capitalized unless it is a proper noun, an acronym, or if it is normally capitalized for some other reason.
Thanks, Kuvasz and Contrex.
I don't know why AmE often has different versions from the BrE.