Speaking of Chesapeake , the seasonal gulls are always another fascinating animal watch along parking lots of shopping centers.. The seabirds have these parking lots as part of their flyways now. Its possible to see various species of gulls, turnstones, plovers, peterls etc at different times of year as they fly to their grounds. Gulls, on the other hand, have habituated themselves to any hard surface near buildings or any landfill. We call em "dump chickens" they are so numerous.
At this time of year the snow geese , whove readjusted their flyways over the last 2 decades. What uised to be a special late February treat in years past, was the spotting of an occasional snow goose in among the canadian geese. Now, theres a separate "time of year" for their flights, both heading north and south. In the fall, they head south fairly early (Septemebr) and then head north in the late Feb/ early MArch timeframe. Its possible to see them in the tens of thousands stripping early planted fields. SOme of the farmers have taken to using either dogs or carbide cannons to chase the snowys. The PA DNR has opened a special 2X snow goose season with no limit to the number of birds one can kill. The only problem is that since snow geese have a really funky flavor, hardly anyone except the "kill for pleasure" hunters even bother, so they just and multiply logarithmically.