These are the RBLs I currently use:
Ah SpamPal! It's a great little program. Were you aware that there are plugins for it? I suggest you get- and install these:
Bayesian filter:
this will allow spampal to adapt to what YOU consider to be spam. The more spam you feed it the less false positives you will receive. (this technology is not exclusive to spampal)
leave in in Learning mode for at least a few hundred emails. You might want to experiment with the 'learn from whitelist' checkbox:
RegEx filter (*)
If you simply want to slap together words to block without much toying then also grab this plugin:
I started out with SpamPal and was immensely thrilled with the potential of Holgers Disruptor plugin. It promised the ability to strip out dangerous content from messages and convert html to text and other spiffy things. The plugin project has been abandoned and is now it's own full blown program. I don't want to seem out of order but I do truly delight in disruptor. If you don't use outlook give it two or three months until the latest version for non-outlook users is out of beta.
But if you're happy where you are, by all means stick with SpamPal. is not the only source for great plugins!
this is my old SpamPal plugin collection:
currently I'm switching off between SpamPal and Disruptor PI while using Thunderbird (mozilla email client), but I find myself using SpamPal less often.
(*) You needn't worry yourself about learning regular expressions. From version 2.5 forward the plugin "borrows" rules from SpamAssassin and is updated regularly.
hope this helps