Wed 21 Jan, 2009 04:58 pm
Others think differently.
What is your point?
All 9/11 families are outraged? Some? 2? 200?
Quote:But some 9/11 families said they were concerned that if the trials were moved to criminal courts in the U.S., the proceedings would put civilians at risk.
"The safest place to have these trials is Guantanamo Bay. If they were to move to the homeland it would endanger all of us," said Lorraine Arias Believeau of New Jersey, whose brother, Adam, was killed on 9/11.
How would it endanger us exactly to be storing and trying these detainees on our soil?
@Frank Apisa,
I'm not one of the families, you should direct your questions to them.
Quote:I'm not one of the families, you should direct your questions to them.
No, but it's you, just like Guiliani, trying to hump it for all it's worth.
Oh gosh! Fox news! Who would have guessed?
This is a perfect example of the farce of "The 9/11 Families."
They hardly represent a holy caste, the opinions of which are granted some sort of special regard for the suffering they have endured.
And suffering they have endured. Each has had to live with a tragedy in their lives and I don't for a minute minimize their pain. My sympathies have always been to them all.
However, because they lost a loved one on 9/11 does not, in and of itself, make them experts on domestic or foreign policy nor does it make their opinions about such matter more valuable than anyone elses.
There are liberal 9/11 Families and there are conservative 9/11 Families.
I have no use for either end of the spectrum trotting out the "outrage" of 9/11 Families to support their personal politics.
They should have a say in the 9/11 memorial being built in NYC, but no more of a say in our national policies than any other citizen.
I hope that everyone who dismisses this expression of outrage is equally prepared to dismiss the Families' outrage that has been directed at Republicans.
Somehow I doubt this is the case though.

We sure have a growing number of ignorant people asking stupid questions here on A2K.
@Finn dAbuzz,
You've just expressed my opinion better than I could possibly have done. Well said Finn.
H2O wrote:
I'm not one of the families, you should direct your questions to them.
I should ask the families what your point is in posting this article???
You really aren't very bright!
Anyway...what was your point in posting the article?
Obama having made this directive will finally bring this issue not only to debate, but also closure.
The "processing" of these "inmates" has been at a painfully slow pace over the past 5 years at a monumental cost to the taxpayer.
I understand each and every case will be reviewed and I highly doubt the most vicious of the "inmates" will never see American soil, but have their case disposed of promptly. At least that is my hope.
@Frank Apisa,
Frankie, the first step is for you to admit that you're an asshole.
Your path will become clear once you have admitted this fact.
I guess I ought to take that seriously...considering where is coming from!
When you gonna grow a brain?
@Frank Apisa,
When are you going to quit sandbagging yourself?
You are not clever enough to pull this kind of thing off, H2O...but it is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen to see you struggling to do so.
Keep on strugglin', ole friend. You are a delight.
@Frank Apisa,
You are misleading yourself and others about your level of ability.
Frankie, you are not nearly capable as you think you are.
@Finn dAbuzz,
See Finn's post above. That's the only response needed here.
I have no use for what Obama is doing to minimize our nations effectiveness in the GWOT.