Can you answer this mathematical poseur<?

Reply Sat 24 Jan, 2009 04:00 am
curiously that gives me precisely 14
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Jan, 2009 04:02 am
curiously that gives me precisely 14

don't think i can proceed from there
Reply Sat 24 Jan, 2009 01:44 pm
I get exactly 14 as well when I use your formulas instead of your data. Take at look at the next-to-last multiplicand of your last term - it's -1/2. That ought to be a red flag. This approach is flawed. Great care is given to ensure that the second card doesn't match the first, but after that no care is taken to ensure that the nth card doesn't match the n-1th prior to n being the position we're currently interested in. At this point, I trust my simulation to be much closer to the actual answer.

Maybe Drewdad will give the simulation another shot...
Reply Sat 24 Jan, 2009 03:01 pm
I will, when I get some free time. May not be for several days, though.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2009 02:11 pm
I've spent some time thinking about the best way to figure out the exact numbers, taking into account the previous non-snap value matches. I came up with one that I'm pretty sure is correct, and is pretty neat. Wrote a Python program to do it, and it actually runs pretty quickly. It works by keeping track of, not which cards match other cards or even which card positions match other card posistions, but rather the possibilities of matching previous matching groups of different sizes (sizes 1-4).

I have tried including the program here, but the formatting gets completely screwed up, which is a disaster in trying to understand Python because of the significance of white space. This happens even when I use code and /code tags. Those tags do put the program in a code box, but the formatting is still screwed up. If anybody knows a way around this, I'll be happy to post the program.

Here's the output of the program (values for cards 4 and 5 are the same as I got manually in posts above):

(Note that these numbers are not applying an expected value formula - they are the current and cumulative snap chances for each card number.)

Card #, Current snap chance, Cumulative snap chance:
1 0 0
2 0.0588235294118 0.0588235294118
3 0.0564705882353 0.1152941176471
4 0.0530132052821 0.1683073229292
5 0.0497959183673 0.2181032412965
6 0.0467778600802 0.2648811013767
7 0.0439447712480 0.3088258726247
8 0.0412852415712 0.3501111141959
9 0.0387885329895 0.3888996471854
10 0.0364445705912 0.4253442177766
11 0.0342439087387 0.4595881265153
12 0.0321776916758 0.4917658181911
13 0.0302376163500 0.5220034345411
14 0.0284158976056 0.5504193321467
15 0.0267052355871 0.5771245677338
16 0.0250987852119 0.6022233529457
17 0.0235901275781 0.6258134805238
18 0.0221732431865 0.6479867237103
19 0.0208424868574 0.6688292105677
20 0.0195925642372 0.6884217748049
21 0.0184185097915 0.7068402845964
22 0.0173156661904 0.7241559507868
23 0.0162796649969 0.7404356157836
24 0.0153064085764 0.7557420243601
25 0.0143920531485 0.7701340775086
26 0.0135329929080 0.7836670704165
27 0.0127258451491 0.7963929155656
28 0.0119674363266 0.8083603518923
29 0.0112547889963 0.8196151408886
30 0.0105851095774 0.8302002504660
31 0.0099557768862 0.8401560273522
32 0.0093643313906 0.8495203587428
33 0.0088084651408 0.8583288238836
34 0.0082860123330 0.8666148362166
35 0.0077949404653 0.8744097766819
36 0.0073333420499 0.8817431187318
37 0.0068994268443 0.8886425455761
38 0.0064915145710 0.8951340601471
39 0.0061080280919 0.9012420882389
40 0.0057474870120 0.9069895752510
41 0.0054085016827 0.9123980769337
42 0.0050897675803 0.9174878445140
43 0.0047900600363 0.9222779045503
44 0.0045082292971 0.9267861338474
45 0.0042431958925 0.9310293297400
46 0.0039939462927 0.9350232760327
47 0.0037595288369 0.9387828048696
48 0.0035390499157 0.9423218547853
49 0.0033316703912 0.9456535251765
50 0.0031366022400 0.9487901274166
51 0.0029531054057 0.9517432328223
52 0.0027804848466 0.9545237176689

Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2009 02:17 pm
go away practice your English and ask again.

On second thoughts dont bother.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2009 02:53 pm
Looks like I may be able to successfuly post the program if I break it into more than one post...

# snapchance.py

# Written and tested with Python 2.5.2 (not compatible with Python 3000)

# Calculate chances to "snap" at each card position in a deck of
# 52 cards. A snap means matching the value (ignoring suit) of the
# immediately previous card.

from __future__ import division # prevent / division from truncating

from copy import deepcopy
from bisect import insort

print "Card #, Current snap chance, Cumulative snap chance:"
print " 1 0 0"
# That one was easy enough. ;-)

# At each position (card_number), there is a group of matching previous
# cards (a group can be composed of 1-4 cards) which includes the last
# card played. I will say that this group is "in snap position."
# There is also some number of other groups (this number is 0 at
# card_number==2). There can never be more than 13 previous groups
# total, since there are only 13 card values.

# The chance for the next card to match an existing group is
# 4-(number of cards in group)/cards remaining.

# At each position (ie card_number), for each possible combination
# of groups, I will determine the snap chance and add these chances
# up for that row of branch values to get the current_snap_chance.
# Snap cases, and groups of 4 cards (which cannot be subsequently
# matched) will not be carried forward. The cases where other
# groups are matched, and where no groups are matched, will be used to
# construct the list of possible group combinations for the next
# position.

# Each possibility (branch value at a level) has:
# [size_of_group_in_snap_position, [list of sizes of other groups],
# branch_probability]
# The list below has one item, itself a list which represents a group
# of size 1 in snap position, a curently empty list of sizes of other
# groups, and a probability of 1. This is what we start with as the
# root of the tree before card_number 2:
old_branches = [[1,[],1],]


for card_number in xrange(2,53): # for card_number == 2 to 52...

cards_remaining=53-card_number # cards remaining at
# current card number
new_branches=[] #list of new branch possibilities starts out empty

while len(old_branches)>0: # while there's a possibility left in the
# old list...
branch=old_branches.pop() # Get a possibility out of the old list,
# reducing the size of the old list
# while building the new one to save
# memory.

current_numerator=0 # running total used below when determining
# the chance of matching no cards.

#first, to handle the snap match...
matches_remaining=4-branch[0] # 0 is index of first list item
# if size of group in snap position is less than 4...
if matches_remaining>0:
# backslash at end of next line is for line continuation
# in Python...
current_snap_chance=current_snap_chance+branch[2]* \

#now for matches to the other groups...
for size in branch[1]: # for each group size in the list of other
# groups...
if matches_remaining>0:
# construct a new possibility...
# deepcopy() below creates a copy of branch for us to
# modify. new_branch=branch would just create another
# reference to the same list object, and conflict with
# later cases.
# the group in snap position becomes one of the others...
# (the insort() function inserts into a list in such a way
# as to keep it sorted)
insort(new_branch[1], branch[0])
# move the matched group to snap position...
new_branch[0]=size+1 # it's size is incremented too, since
# we are adding a match to it.
# probability of this new possibility is...
new_branch[2]=branch[2] * matches_remaining/cards_remaining
# If there's already an existing branch in the new branch
# list with the same snap group size and list of other
# group sizes, we can combine the new probability with that
# existing one to save size in the new list:
for prior_branch in new_branches:
if prior_branch[0]==new_branch[0] and \
prior_branch[2]=prior_branch[2] + \
else: # Python allows an else clause on the for loop. This
# will execute if the for loop completes without a
# break above.

# now for the case where no existing groups are matched...
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2009 02:56 pm
Program continued. First line here is last line in previous post...

# now for the case where no existing groups are matched...
if cards_remaining>current_numerator:
# construct a new possibility...
# (can modify branch here instead of deepcopying it,
# since this is the last case)
# the group in snap position becomes one of the others
# a new group of 1 goes into snap position...
# probability of this possibility is...
branch[2]=branch[2]*(cards_remaining-current_numerator)/ \

# If there's already an existing branch in the new branch
# list with the same snap group size and list of other
# group sizes, we can combine the new probability with that
# existing one to save size in the new list:
for prior_branch in new_branches:
if prior_branch[0]==branch[0] and \
prior_branch[2]=prior_branch[2] + \


print '%2u %16.13f %16.13f' % (card_number, current_snap_chance,

old_branches=new_branches # new list becomes the old one to work with
# in next iteration.

# *** End of Program ***
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2009 08:25 pm
Fantastic! I don't know if it's correct, but it matches my simulation results. If expected value is applied to the data as shown (SUM(n*P(n))), then the result is 14.73. However, if each P(n) is divided by 0.9545237176689 (your cumulative total) to factor out the non-snap permutations, the expected value is 15.43 (what my sim came up with).

I'm a C programmer, not a Python programmer. How long does this take to run? I'll try to figure out what you're doing, but can you provide a bit more detailed explanation - perhaps an example for some card_number?

If you enjoy this kind of problem, you should check out projecteuler.net.
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2009 10:43 pm
Although I don't code in Python, I have Python installed on my machine. It runs in well under a minute. Also, I printed old_branches for each of the first few card_numbers:

1 0 0
[[1, [], 1]]

2 0.0588235294118 0.0588235294118
[[1, [1], 0.94117647058823528]]

3 0.0564705882353 0.1152941176471
[[1, [1, 1], 0.82823529411764707],
[2, [1], 0.056470588235294113]]

4 0.0530132052821 0.1683073229292
[[1, [1, 1, 1], 0.67611044417767108],
[1, [1, 2], 0.050708283313325324],
[2, [1, 1], 0.10141656662665066],
[2, [2], 0.0034573829531812724]]

5 0.0497959183673 0.2181032412965
[[1, [1, 1, 1, 1], 0.50708283313325331],
[1, [1, 1, 2], 0.12677070828331333],
[1, [2, 2], 0.0031692677070828332],
[2, [1, 1, 1], 0.12677070828331333],
[2, [1, 2], 0.015846338535414166],
[3, [1, 1], 0.0021128451380552217],
[3, [2], 0.00014405762304921967]]

6 0.0467778600802 0.2648811013767
[[1, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 0.34524788638859799],
[1, [1, 1, 1, 2], 0.19420193609358638],
[1, [1, 1, 3], 0.0017981660749406142],
[1, [1, 2, 2], 0.016183494674465532],
[1, [2, 3], 0.00013486245562054606],
[2, [1, 1, 1, 1], 0.12946795739572425],
[2, [1, 1, 2], 0.040458736686163829],
[2, [1, 3], 0.00026972491124109213],
[2, [2, 2], 0.0010114684171540957],
[3, [1, 1, 1], 0.0053944982248218436],
[3, [1, 2], 0.00094403718934382263],
[3, [3], 6.1301116191157308e-006]]

I see now what you're doing with the branches. I haven't checked out the probability calculation, but I don't doubt that it is correct. Great job! Check out projecteuler.net.
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2009 11:04 pm
Thanks ;-)

I was working on a response, but you beat me to it. Python's a great language for problems like this. Nice to not have to worry about memory management, etc.
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 02:13 pm
By the way... "The C Programming Language" by K&R is one of my favorite programming books. (Was a C programmer for a while a long time ago - haven't really done anything with it in years.)

If you, too, like that kind of concise book and might be interested in learning Python - my favorite Python book is "Python in a Nutshell" by Alex Martelli (2nd edition is his latest, dealing with up to Python 2.5, but you could then read about the changes in Python 3000 at www.python.org).

Another favorite programming book is "Thinking in Java" by Bruce Eckel (is up to 4th edition, but earlier ones are out there free online) - that's the book that really got me to understand OO programming, but after getting used to Python, I have lost all patience for Java.
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 09:01 pm
I've got the K&R book. I'll check out the Python book. Thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Jan, 2009 09:15 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 06:30 am
First of all you can't open more than 13 cards because you will have snap anyway. (there are 13 different values). In order to have snap with the :
1st card the probability is zero
with 2nd the probability is 3/51
with 3rd is (48/51)*(6/50)
with 4th is (48/51)*(44/50)*(9/49)
with 4th is (48/51)*(44/50)*(40/49)*(12/48)
Basically the probability of not snap in previous cards multiplied with the probability of having snap in that card. If we look closely we can see that each probability for X cards can come from it's previous card n-1 probability.
P(n)=P(n-1) * (60-4*n)*(3*n-3)/[(3*n-6)*(53-n)]
So we see that if the term (60-4*n)*(3*n-3)/[(3*n-6)*(53-n)] is bigger than 1,then P(n) is bigger than P(n-1).
(60-4*n)*(3*n-3)/[(3*n-6)*(53-n)]>1 and solving this we get -2,69 and 5,69. We keep the 5,69. In other words that means that until 5 cards each one has bigger probability than it's previous and after 5 cards the probability reduces. So the 5th card has the greatest probability for a snap.
Reply Thu 18 Feb, 2010 05:56 pm
michalos in this game of snap you can only pair with the immediately preceding card (not with any other of the earlier cards)

the value of using simulation to estimate results is apparent from this simple question with an unwieldy set of probabilities
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