****, If Id tell ya , yad jump down my throat for not being on topic. Well, I gotta tell ya that, when I went out to start the car this morning I was looking at how the firewood had stuck to the parking lot because we had some freezing rain yesterday and the rain had seeped between the logs and caused the amount of water therein to freeze and form great globs of hard ice, so to get the firewood unstuck I had to get the tractor out and use the frontend loader to move the logs by scraping bemneath them . The only problem is that when ya pick up a batch of logs with a front end loader, the loader arm needs to be warmed up so that it can move with enough free arm so it doesnt freeze up from the fluid being gelled in the hydraulics. Well, I was waiting for the tractor to warm up so that the free arm can move and I thought Id get me a cuppa coffee and read the paper as the tractor warmed up.
I was reading the paper and drinking my coffee when I came on an article about how gracious the president was being in his praises of Obama. WHo the hell writes this **** I sez.?