Great to come here and find all these posts.
Got a cup of tea and read through with interest.
So thanks!
ehBeth - Thanks for that link. I love those onion twists - they almost look like something that should be hanging in the Tate Modern and amazing coloured potatoes.... can they really be that dark, purple red? Wow- we don't get any around here like that, i can tell you.
I'm glad you are a mad fruit and veg photographer.
Looking at ehBeth's photographs made me think of how i first got interested in the idea of photographing fruit and veg as 'art'
I grew up around the markets in London - mostly Camden, where i learned to love the colourful market atmosphere.
Then i went to Barcelona Their fruit and vegetable markets are something else.
Barcelona - what a fantastic place - the start of my obsession !
Ossobuco -
Painting/photography/patterns/symbolism and colour.
You could talk to me about it forever and i'd be happy.
(Not that i could name you more than a dozen artists - if that).
i'm sure you will understand when i say I'm nervous as hell about beginning painting.
i think it must be important to me, because i only ever get this feeling normally (of circling something and sizing it up in my mind - but holding off) with my writing. And only then, the stuff that feels 'important' somehow.
I feel i don't want to rush it. Just to do other things while i think about it, from a distance. Do you know?
I'll let it cook in my subconscious for a while (or at least, that's what it feels like i'm doing).
Thanks for answering my post btw.
I read with interest.
I wanted to say something in return about my experience of art, but there isn't much.
I have 'messed around' with paints a bit before and as a kid i used to draw. (Doodling, my teachers called it). I also used colouring books and stuff like that.
Later I went through a phase of drawing Celtic tattoos.
(Or trying to).
i've also had 'art-therapy' -which was very interesting. The sessions were nothing like i expected and I recommend it to anyone who is into symbolism/psychoanalysis at all.
I've also done some art using photoshop - i'll see if i can dig a few out to show you (although, they are nothing to get too excited about).
I think it's 'colour' that I'm into the idea of at this time. Maybe because I've been a hermit for a while now and its winter and all that. Dreary.
i think i'll wait until the summer to begin painting - so any inspiration between now and then, would be gratefully received. Many thanks.
ps - the garlic thing...i haven't forgotten
Edgar - for me, the regular 'tea' was tinned beans on toast, until i got to 12 - when i suddenly rebelled against the bean.
Have you ever written anything about your childhood memories of food?
I remember eating dog biscuits at a friend's house!
But seriously, reading your post, suddenly i wanted to hear more... you know?
good to see you here
Izzie - the onion is fantastic and reminds me that i took a picture of some red cabbage the other day - sliced right through the middle- oMG the patterns inside kinda blew my mind! Like - Celtic, mathematical patterns - i'm not kidding. i was stunned.
(unfortunately no batteries in my camera right now. I'll upload them asap.)
Really glad i'm not the only one into this.. i took a strange picture of spices too, i'll put it up.

thanks Iz
Olga -
Vegetables have been known to misbehave from time to time.
Thanks for posting, everyone