I asked Thomas for the basis of his asssertion,
if he was making it, , that the probability of “there is no god” is greater than “there is a god.”
Thomas replied:
Quote:1) Experience with stories: In my experience, stories almost always turn out to be false if they are impossible to fact-check, or if they sound good enough for people to believe them and re-tell them just because they're good stories. The stories religions tell about their gods meet both conditions easily.
Okay, so stories religious people tell about their gods definitely are part of the stories you say are most often false. How does that impact on the probablility of whether or not there are gods? If every one of them (the stories religious people tell about their gods) were verifiably false…how would that impact on the probability of whether or not there are gods?
Consider this before responding: If every story every science fiction writer has ever told or written about sentient beings on other planets in this universe were false (which they are since they are all fiction!)"how would that impact on the probability of sentient life of some kind on any planet circling the nearest 15 stars to our solar system?
And since you are a friend, lemme give you a hint for the answer to all those questions: It doesn’t impact one goddam iota!
You also wrote:
Quote:2) Experience with complexity: Complex entities don't just happen. Consequently, they are unlikely to exist unless we have good evidence that they do. Any entity would have to be extremely complex to create universes, decree the laws of physics in them, populate them with life, care about everyone's sex lives, register every sin, and forgive some of them. So the standard of evidence is very high there, and the evidence we have for the gods asserted so far doesn't meet it.
Thomas, existence itself is complex…very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, complex.
It is possible that it just happened…but the step from “it just happened” to “gods exists and have always existed and they made this universe and everything in it to entertain themselves” is a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny little step.
To suggest that something as complex as “existence” exists…and then to posit something like a god as being too complex is absurd.
(And the stuff that incorporates human ideas of what a god is like “sex lives, sins, and all that crap” is unwarranted in this discussion.)
The evidence for asserting that gods do not exist is just as high as the evidence you are supposing must exist for asserting there is a GOD.
The evidence for asserting it is more likely that no gods exist than that gods exist…is huge.
You still have not met that burden.