Squishy bread lovers are hard to convert. It's difficult to make a homemade bread that slices like commercial bread because you are not going to use the softening agents commercial bakers add to get that airy, gooey texture.Will your husband eat sandwiches on hard rolls? I was once told "hard roll" is a Northeast term, so I'll mention it means a roll with a crunchy outside, chewy inside. If so, you can make small loaves out of the dough and just cut them like sandwich rolls. Trick is to make them sort of flat so they bread does not dominate the sandwich.
These are two really good books with great recipes and advice:
The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread
by Peter Reinhar - many traditional European recipes.
You might find something for your husband in this one. There are a number of white bread type recipes:
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking by Jeff Hertzberg
You can get them used on Amazon.