Quote:Neologist claimed:
1- Romeo...persist in your errors to your discredit...
2- And powerful flak batteries?..
3- you shun mainstream christianity, labeling them fundies and crackpots. Isn't that why you claim no affiliation?
1-Me make errors? That'll be the day..

You on the other hand seem to be in the habit of goofing-
"I can say truly that JWs are most certainly not perfect" (Neologist Aug 18 2006)
"When I'm wrong, I fess up to it" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
"I'm no genius..One of my main reasons for posting here is to sharpen my understanding" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
2- Sorry, I forgot you JW's shun war and don't know nothing about it! Flak is a German term for anti-aircraft fire. My flak ammunition is words which I use to shoot down my debating opponents with devastating effect..
3- Yes I'm absolutely fair and impartial, I'll shoot anybody down no matter which creed, cult or sect they represent, I wish more would come into A2K such as Mormons etc so I can turn my gunsights on them, but I think somebody must have tipped them off that I'm here, so they stay away or lurk under the bed..
These oddball characters below are not Pizza Hut chefs, they're Mormon priests in their sacred robes giving secret hand signals, probably meaning-
"Before the snap, a defensive player illegally crossed the line of scrimmage and made contact with an opponent or has a clear path to the quarterback"