Here, lots of people.
In my state, a social worker named Janie Barbour really opened up dialogue about child abuse...I presume others did the same on a national scale.
A BUNCH of aboriginal people opened up the topic of racism and land rights....but our then premier, Don Dunstan, was the first white politician I know of to take it really seriously, and to enact land rights legislation.
Ditto with Don and de-criminalizing homosexual sex for men...(it wasn't illegal for women, because that really HAD been unthinkable!!!) Dunstan was well known (though not "out" as such) to be bi-sexual, a matter for vilification by the right.....but to have a bi-sexual premier in a wee state in Oz in the late sixties and early seventies was pretty amazing, and to me, marvellous.
A Torres Strait Islander man, Eddie Mabo REALLY took the national debate on land rights to the front pages....by going to the High Court and getting the pernicious legal fiction of terra nullius overturned.
he's a hero.