Mon 15 Dec, 2008 02:00 pm
Can't crack this months clueless. I've isolated one word which would help - the sequence is abccb. BELLE fits so I'll try that and see where it leads me.
Does anyone know a site that helps identify words using known combinations, as in the example above? I use onelookdotcom for crosswords but it isn't useful for this kind of puzzle.
Thanks in advance!
Hi lmur
Have a look at this site, it may help you.
Just stick your letters in like this e.g. "a??b?cc?e"
Scan me the grid and sent it to me and I'll crack it for you. Is it in the De cember Big? If it is this is our answer downunder: David Duchovny
Cheers Dutchy; my opening gambit (belle) proved correct and it was plain sailing after that. David Duchovny it is.
Just the "demon" to complete and everything's ready to go!
Blarney blarney blarney.... that's what I say!
Hey Izzie - why do I get the feeling that you not-so-much kissed it (the Stone, doggonit) as forced your tongue all the way down it's throat!