Tue 23 Sep, 2003 02:57 pm
Does anyone know the procedure for starting a pear tree from Seed? We have some good old farm style pear trees,tough and hardy and I want to try to propagate some new trees from these good oldies.
I expect the seed needs to be dried and maybe frozen for a time,before planting, but Im not sure.
Hi sheepfields and welcome to Able2Know! I believe you'll do better with grafting rather than trying to grow from seed. See:
You'll also need 2 different kinds of pears to get it to fruit. See:
Ive done this with all kinds of fruits. You are right, you must stratify the seed by freezing it for about 6 weeks before planting. Id plant a whole bunch to assure some germination. Your gonna need two different kinds to get pears to produce. So get a bosc and an anjou and plant the seeds near each other. Its best to plant them where you want them cause it slows em down when you transplant. Peaches are almost foolproof. Ive got 5 year old peach trees planted from peach pits and we get a bumpr crop of peaches.
I Thank both of you for your replies. I may try both planting seeds as well as grafting. thankyou so much for your input.!
if youve got the old trees already, you dont have to graft, merely scratch the surface of a new branch and dust it in a rooting hormone (indolacetic acid-ROOTONE) and then pack the dusted part of branch in a packet of moist potting soil , or if the tree branches are low enough, just bend one down and let it covered in soil, it will root by itself. Then next year snip it from the parent and go plant. This method will give you the best rootings. What were you going to graft on to? pears are notorious for taking a graft and giving you 2 or more varieties of pear from the same tree. They do this by multi grafting onto a basic pear stock.
yeh just root the branches of the existing bearing tree, its almost foolproof and also the quickest way to get fruit