Miller wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
There are also men in their thirties and forties who are single and will remain single.
And as a result will die at an early age.
Men should get married in order to prolong their lives.
The supposed statistical evidence that married men live longer may be a false correlation. There can be other reasons that married men live longer statistically. One being that to get married, and live with a women, it might just attract the men of stronger constitutions, since men remember as a boy that their female relatives may not have always agreed with them, and life could be fraught with friction with another female. Extrapolation would indicate the same can happen with a wife. Only the strong, and those with thick skins can survive a marriage, I believe.
Also, being married may just lead to healthier habits and lifestyle, since marriage may make many men aware that they do not want their children, wife, etc. to grieve for them, so risky behavior may be curtailed greater than the risky behavior of some single males.
Personally, I believe the wrong woman (in a marriage) can bury a man, while the right woman (in marriage) can keep a man alive for a long time. Today's women may not pander all the time to the male ego, that prior generations of women did. This can shorten a man's life, I believe.
Needless to say, the above holds true for men. So, society may just have us trying to replicate "a marriage made in heaven," and that is hard to do, I believe.